togheter for innovation

Electron microscopy

JOint laboratorY - EMJOY :  is a collaborative facility





CNR - Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) -  Bologna Section
Contact Person: Dott. Vittorio Morandi

UniBO - Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician" 
Contact Person:  Prof. Marco Lucarini 


Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy for structural and functional characterization of materials. Sample preparation with conventional and advanced techniques. EDX and EELS complementary spectroscopy for compositional and chemical analysis. Image analysis and simulation.


EMJOY relies on the wide range of facilities available at IMM for the investigation of structural and functional properties of materials. Electrical measurements, optical microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction equipment, chemical laboratory, and Si-micromachining in clean-room area are available for design, fabrication and characterization of devices.


TEM specimen preparation of powders, fibers, and bulk samples in plan-view or cross-section geometry. TEM specimen preparation of polymeric materials using cryo ultramicrotomy. Preparation of site-specific TEM samples using Focused-ion Beam. Preparation of materials for in-situ TEM observation. Preparation of conventional SEM specimen.

our mission

Research Education Cooperation

  • Electron Microscopy for the micro- and nano- scale characterization of materials 
  • Investigation of functional materials for application in nanomedicine, energy and environment
  • Research Collaboration within the framework of the Departments of Excellence national  program
  • Synergic Cooperation and application to competitive programs at the regional, national, international level through the Linked Third Party
  • Education, Dissemination and Training of electron microscopy, development of instrumental  techniques and methodologies. 

EMJOY has been established between the CNR and the University of Bologna from the agreement signed on November the 7th 2019 by the President of CNR and the Rector of Bologna University

The CNR  IMM Bologna Unit operates in the field of materials science and microelectronics. The central expertise of IMM is the study of materials and fabrication processes as well as design and realization of microelectronic integrated devices.

The UniBO Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician" has a strong vocation for the dissemination of knowledge of chemical disciplines and their central role in modern society at all levels, within the framework of sustainable and environmentally friendly development.

EMJOY is open to include additional UniBo Departments and CNR Institutes.

Let you be surprised by the possibilities that electron microscopy can offer

eMjoy  the future

Explore our 


Focused Ion and Electron Scanning Microscopy​

Dual Ga-ions and electron beam scanning electron microscope for nano fabrication, lithography, TEM site-specific specimen preparation, 3D volume imaging. This FIB-SEM system is a ZEISS CrossBeam Scanning Microscope model XB 340

Transmission Electron Microscopy

The 200keV Transmission Electron Microscope with thermally-assisted Field Emission Source provides high beam coherence atomic scale resolution for HREM imaging as well as focused nanosized-probe for compositional imaging and complementary EDX analysis.

In-situ TEM heating and biasing

Special holder for TEM observation of specimen able to give thermal and bias stimuli.

In-situ liquid cell for TEM microscopy

Special holder for TEM observation of specimen in liquid environment.

Scanning Electron Microscopy

High resolution SEM for structural imaging and analysis at the nanoscale.

Environmental Scanning Microscopy​

The ZEISS EVO Environmental-SEM system is a versatile microscope for morphological observation and analysis of life- and materials- samples.


From our blog

Congresso Istituto IMM a Catania

In occasione del ventennale della creazione dell’Istituto IMM, la sede centrale di Catania organizza il convegno annuale nei giorni 25-27 Ottobre 2021.  Sono previste 11 sessioni parallele di presentazione delle attività di ricerca, un occasione importante di ritrovo per la comunità scientifica dell’Istituto. 

Visita del Presidente del CNR all’Area della Ricerca di Bologna

Il 26 Ottobre 2021, la Presidente del CNR Maria Chiara Carrozza visiterà l’Area della Ricerca di Bologna. Durante la visita,  la Presidente visiterà anche l’Istituto IMM e incontrerà il personale tecnico e scientifico. Il Direttore della Sede di Bologna, Vittorio Morandi, illustrerà le attività di ricerca e in particolare presenterà il laboratorio di microscopia elettronica…

IMM – BO a NanoInnovation 2021

Significativa partecipazione dei ricercatori IMM al convegno nazionale NanoInnovation 2021, organizzato dall’Università La Sapienza di Roma dal 21 al 24 Settembre. Vittorio Morandi, Regina Ciancio (IOM Trieste CNR) e Marco Rossi (Università La Sapienza di Roma) hanno moderato una tavola rotonda sulle prospettive della microscopia elettronica in ambito italiano.

Our team

Vittorio Morandi

Research Director at CNR - IMM Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems

Alessandro Gradone

Postdoctoral Researcher at CNR - IMM Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems

Raffaello Mazzaro

Junior Assistant Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy - "Alma Mater Studiorum" Università di Bologna

Marco Lucarini

Head of UniBO Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"


Via Piero Gobetti, 101

40129 Bologna BO

Contact Us

Phone : (+39) 051 639 9143

Deputy director

Dr. Vittorio Morandi

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